I have been working professionally for close to 10 years in seven companies (not counting part-time job or internships). Disclaimer: I am no workplace expert. I am an average cog in the wheel who reads and thinks a lot on the subject (and perhaps have been through a few of the not so great workplaces myself). This might or might not be a writing therapy reflecting on my worklife over the years and most recently.
Companies who could afford in-house engineering teams often have tendencies to build custom in-house solutions no matter how prevalent that solution already is. To highlight the absurdity, let me give an example: Jupyter Notebook. Despite the space being extremely competitive, Google has Colab, Amazon has Sagemaker, Azure, Databricks, Domino, Binder all offer similar services and the list goes on, Product or Technology still cannot resist the urge to build one (if not multiple) in-house.